Dental Crowns In Orange CA

Have you had a root canal and need a crown? Do you have a broken tooth and need it repaired? We specialize in fixing your smile with dental crowns

Are you looking to restore your beautiful smile and improve your dental health in Orange, CA? Dr. Ronald Pham DDS and Restoration Dental is your trusted dentist for dental crowns. Based on his tremendous experience and expertise, as well as his friendly approach and detailed work, Dr. Ronald Pham is the go-to expert in Orange for this procedure.

Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are custom-made covers that fit over a damaged or weakened tooth. They provide strength, protection, and an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Dental crowns can be an ideal solution for various dental issues, including:

Finishing Touch on a Root Canal

Dental procedures such as root canals require a cap or crown to seal the tooth, and give it the longevity and protection it needs.

Tooth Decay

When a tooth has significant decay that can’t be fixed with a filling, a dental crown can restore its function and appearance.

Cracked or Chipped Teeth

Dental crowns can effectively repair teeth that are cracked or chipped, preventing further damage.

Weak or Worn Teeth

Teeth that have become weak due to aging or excessive wear can be strengthened with crowns.

Cosmetic Enhancements

Crowns are used in cosmetic dentistry to improve the shape, size, and color of teeth, enhancing your smile’s beauty.

Dental Crowns: The Process

A dental crown is essentially a “cap” that is placed over a damaged or weakened tooth. Crowns are used for various purposes, such as restoring the shape, size, and strength of a tooth or improving its appearance. They can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, resin, ceramics, and even metals like gold or alloys. Dental crowns are commonly used to protect a tooth that has undergone a root canal, repair a fractured tooth, or cover a dental implant. The process includes:

Assessment and Planning

An initial consultation with Dr Ronald Pham will involve X-rays and possibly impressions to determine the state of the tooth that needs a crown. Based on this assessment, we will be able to recommend a crown for your specific condition.


During the first visit, Dr. Pham will anesthetize the area and reshape the tooth to make room for the crown. An impression of the reshaped tooth and surrounding teeth is then made to custom fabricate the crown.

Temporary Crown

A temporary crown is usually placed to protect the prepared tooth while the permanent crown is being made. This temporary solution is not meant to replace the permanent crown, so it is important to care for it and have it replaced once the permanent cap has been prepared.

Placement / Crown Delivery

During a second visit, the temporary crown is removed, and the permanent crown is checked for fit and color before being cemented in place. Just like a real tooth, a crown must be cared for, brushed, flossed, and cleaned regularly to last.

if you are looking for a great dental crown specialist in Orange, we would appreciate the opportunity to help. Please call our office for more details, and to schedule your appointment with Dr. Ronald Pham.

Dental Crowns Orange CA - Dr Ronald Pham is an expert in dental crowns

Same Day Appointments Available!

Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. If this is an emergency, of or if you need to speak with us directly, please call out office at 714-400-0075 for assistance.

Guaranteed smiles!

Guaranteed Smiles!

As a premiere dentist office in Orange CA, we will always make sure that your experience is memorable, friendly, and professional. We strive to meet your highest expectations in every way imaginable, from your very first interaction with our office staff, to the quality of treatment you receive. We don’t take our patients’ trust for granted, and will promise to over-deliver with your best interest in mind. So give us a call today, and experience our first-class serivce!

Most Dental Insurances Accepted!

  • Delta PPO & Premier
  • Connection GEHA
  • United Concordia PPO
  • Anthem PPO
  • SunLife PPO
  • Principal PPO
  • Ameritas PPO
  • Guardian PPO
  • MetLife PPO

Same Day Appointments Available

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