Dental Bridge Expert In Orange CA

Need a dental bridge? Our experienced dentist provides high-quality dental bridges for patients in Orange CA

Are you in Orange, CA, and seeking a solution to replace missing teeth? Dental bridges may be the answer to restoring your smile and improving your oral health. Let’s explore the benefits of dental bridges and introduce you to the expertise of Dr. Ronald Pham, your trusted dentist in Orange CA with years of experience and expertise in durable, high-quality, and natural looking dental bridges.

Dental bridges are a popular and effective dental restoration option for replacing one or more missing teeth. They consist of artificial teeth (pontics) held in place by dental crowns on adjacent healthy teeth or dental implants. Here’s why dental bridges are a great choice:

Natural Appearance

Bridges are custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural look.

Improved Chewing and Speech

Missing teeth can affect your ability to chew and speak properly. Dental bridges restore these functions, enhancing your quality of life.

Prevent Shifting

When a tooth is lost, nearby teeth may shift to fill the gap, leading to alignment issues. Bridges prevent this shifting, maintaining your smile’s integrity.

Durable and Long-Lasting

With proper care, dental bridges can last for many years, providing a reliable solution for tooth replacement.

Dental Bridge: The Process

The process “bridges” the gap between remaining teeth and is anchored by crowns on either side of the gap. The false tooth or teeth (called pontics) can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials. Dental bridges are supported by natural teeth or implants and do not anchor into the gums or jaw in any way. Here’s what’s the process looks like:

Initial Consultation

Dr. Ronald Pham will evaluate the health of your teeth and decide if you are a suitable candidate for a dental bridge. This is because a bridge needs two healthy and strong teeth on either side of the missing tooth to act as posts for which the bridge will sit on.


Similar to the crown process, adjacent teeth are prepared by being contoured to create space for the crowns that will hold the bridge. These contoured teeth will act as the supporting posts for the bridge to adhere to.


Impressions are made for the custom fabrication of the bridge. This is a very important step to ensure the final bridge not only fits perfectly, but that the shape of the “teeth” are as natural and comfortable as possible.

Temporary Bridge

While waiting for the lab to create the bridge, a temporary bridge may be installed to protect exposed teeth and gums.

Permanent / Bridge Delivery

The final bridge is fitted during subsequent visits. Adjustments might be made to achieve the correct fit. Once the bridge is on, it requires the exact same care as regular natural teeth. Daily care ensures that your bridge, and the two adjacent posts last a lifetime.

if you are looking for a great dental Bridge EXpert in Orange, we would appreciate the opportunity to help. Please call our office for more details, and to schedule your appointment with Dr. Ronald Pham.

Dental Bridge Dentist - Dr Ronald Pham is an expert in bridges.

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Guaranteed smiles!

Guaranteed Smiles!

As a premiere dentist office in Orange CA, we will always make sure that your experience is memorable, friendly, and professional. We strive to meet your highest expectations in every way imaginable, from your very first interaction with our office staff, to the quality of treatment you receive. We don’t take our patients’ trust for granted, and will promise to over-deliver with your best interest in mind. So give us a call today, and experience our first-class serivce!

Most Dental Insurances Accepted!

  • Delta PPO & Premier
  • Connection GEHA
  • United Concordia PPO
  • Anthem PPO
  • SunLife PPO
  • Principal PPO
  • Ameritas PPO
  • Guardian PPO
  • MetLife PPO

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